Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Artist E.P.

What's an E.P.? It literally means "Extended Play"... coined before CD's were born. Today it can mean 'demo', or just a short album. E.P.'s have special significance in the internet world. With an E.P., artists can in a sense test the market with a collection of songs without full dedication to a CD's worth of material. This is great for artists looking to be signed to larger record labels. If you make a nice buzz on the internet with the few 3-6 songs you have, you can save your other gems for once you get that deal. Some artists are now even making a living release 4-6 song E.P's every few months. The internet makes it simple to do that.. why not output more music especially if music creation is getting easier. With digital distribution, making E.P.'s starts to make more sense. But ultimately it's up to you the artist. If you're staying independent, do your research and know your fans. Whatever they want, give it to them. I'd say if you're looking for a deal, focus on a good few songs and send that E.P. everywhere you can think of. Happy Recording.

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