Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Street Team

Street Team ..whats the big deal?

If you don’t know already, you need to play locally as much as possible until you have secured a strong, loyal fan base. If you don’t have any fans yet, get to work. Forget this article, get on the phone and make some calls… book yourself at as many local venues as possible. You need people to hear your music first and foremost.

Once you have a fan base established (no you don’t need 500 fans, even 50 is a great start!) then you can contact some fans and see if they’re willing to head up a street team. A street team is a significant tool for unsigned bands. They will pass out flyers for your shows, become MySpace friends to add your music page, support every show, and more. You will be surprised how willing true fans are to support you..for FREE. Word of mouth is one of the greatest promotional tools and having a dedicated street team talking to folks is worth way more than even radio play. Just make sure you offer them some sort of reward like getting into your next shows for free!

So give it a shot and watch the progress before your eyes.

Happy Recording.


Real Beats for Real Artists

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